7 - 14 - 
Éditorial / Editorial
BELLEHUMEUR, Christian R., MALETTE, Judith, KILREA, Kelly

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15 - 31 - 
Faith and Subjectivation in the Age of the 'Mourning' of God
ARÈNES, Jacques

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33 - 49 - 
On the Possibility of the Psychology of Spirituality

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51 - 69 - 
Seeing the Sacred
Fostering Spiritual Vision in Counselling
WONG, Serena, PARGAMENT, Kenneth

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71 - 91 - 
Positive Family Pastoral Care and Counseling
A Reading of Pope Francis's Apostolic Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia

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93 - 120 - 
The D.R.E.A.M. Program: Developing Resilience through Emotions, Attitudes & Meaning
Program Development and Evaluation through a Knowledge Translation-Integrated Approach
ARMSTRONG, Laura Lynne

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121 - 143 - 
Well-Being Therapy in Schools
Implications for Spirituality-Informed Counselling Practice
SINK, Christopher A., LEMICH, Gregory

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145 - 168 - 
Swallowing the 'Givens' of Existence
How Second Wave Positive Psychology can Contribute to Psychotherapy for Eating Disorder Treatment
SIGG, Caitlin, ARMSTRONG, Laura Lynne

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169 - 190 - 
Meaning-Based Interventions for Addressing End-of-Life Coping
YAGI, Ines, ARMSTRONG, Laura Lynne

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191 - 211 - 
The Effects of Therapist Mindfulness on Therapy
An Exploration of the Potential Benefits and Challenges of Therapist Mindfulness Practice
OSMAN, Leila, BELLEHUMEUR, Christian R.

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213 - 234 - 
Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer
A Praxis Exploration on the Importance of Spirituality to Enhance Outcome and to Extend Life
YORK, Oxford

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235 - 263 - 
Vivre avec son enfant issu du viol comme arme de guerre
Comprendre pour mieux intervenir. Cas de la République Démocratique du Congo
MBUYI-TSHIBWABWA, Marie-France Gisèle

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265 - 267 - 
Recensions / Book Reviews

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