Introduction |
3 - 4 - | Introduction ISHERWOOD, Lisa, DAGGERS, Jenny, BELLCHAMBERS, Elaine | abstract details download (open access) |
Theme - Thema - Tema |
5 - 30 - | Birgit, Matron of Poetry, Healing, Smithwork and Mercy Female Divinity in a European Wisdom Tradition CONDREN, Mary | abstract details download (open access) |
31 - 42 - | Ananei-kavod / Clouds of Glory A Jewish Perspective on the Angel of Beauty Moving Over the Face of the Female Religious Subject RAPHAEL, Melissa | abstract details download (open access) |
43 - 60 - | Whatever Happened to Goddess and God-She? Why Do Jews and Christians Still Pray to a Male God? CHRIST, Carol P. | abstract details download (open access) |
61 - 74 - | Wild Rice and Queer Dissent Wrestling with God in Gen 32:22-32 CORNWALL, Susannah | abstract details download (open access) |
75 - 84 - | Spirituality in the Third Wave? Women, Reading and Religion LLEWELLYN, Dawn | abstract details download (open access) |
85 - 102 - | Wrestling with Divine Creatures and Marriage GUR KLEIN, Thalia | abstract details download (open access) |
103 - 109 - | God, Godde, Goddess ROLL, Susan | abstract details download (open access) |
111 - 123 - | A God in the Feminine My Arguments to Talk about God-She MULDER, Anne-Claire | abstract details download (open access) |
125 - 136 - | 'In that Vesture, Let There Be Diversity' Reading Augustine at Gay Pride Reykjavik GUDMARSDOTTIR, Sigridur | abstract details download (open access) |
Forum - Fórum |
137 - 155 - | Iglesia e ideología de genéro Hacia una sociedad de iguales FORCADES I VILA, Teresa | abstract details download (open access) |
157 - 172 - | Kirche jenseits von Geschlecht Ein Plädoyer für die ansatzhafte Darstellung des Heilsbilds '... nicht männlich und weiblich' in der empirischen Gestalt der römisch-katholischen Kirche RITTER-GREPL, Angelika | abstract details download (open access) |
173 - 192 - | Queere Lesarten der Hebräischen Bibel Das Buch Ruth und die Schöpfungsberichte HÜGEL, Karin | abstract details download (open access) |
193 - 199 - | Young Women in the Immigrant Churches in the Netherlands LANSER, Alma | abstract details download (open access) |
201 - 207 - | Auf Glas gebetet Ein temporäres Bildprogramm im Kloster Mariensee JOSWIG, Benita | abstract details download (open access) |
Women's Traditions in Europe - Frauentraditionen in Europa - Tradiciones de mujeres en Europa |
209 - 215 - | A Bad Tree Bears Good Fruit? The Theology of Zsófia Juhász (1928-1990) VÖRÖS, Éva | abstract details download (open access) |
Work in Progress - Trabajo en marcha |
217 - 228 - | Grundgedanken einer Theologie des Blühens STRACK, Hanna | abstract details download (open access) |
229 - 242 - | La voz y los sentidos de las mujeres Palabra y corazón de Dios YUSTE CABELLO, Pilar, MARTÍNEZ CANO, Silvia | abstract details download (open access) |
Book Market - Büchermarkt - Feria de Libros |
243 - 253 - | Bibliographie - Bibliography - Bibliografía | abstract details download (open access) |
255 - 271 - | Rezensionen - Book Reviews - Recensiones | abstract details download (open access) |