Reports |
5 - 18 - | The IOSCS at Fifty PIETERSMA, Albert | abstract details download (open access) |
19 - 27 - | A Brief History of Septuagint Studies in Australia EVANS, Trevor V. | abstract details download (open access) |
29 - 37 - | Die Septuaginta-Forschung in Italien Ein Überblick MAZZINGHI, Luca | abstract details download (open access) |
Articles |
39 - 51 - | Freek Idiom in the LXX-Pentateuch The Preposition para LEE, John A.L. | abstract details download (open access) |
53 - 61 - | Biblical Greek and Post-Biblical Hebrew in the Minor Greek Versions On the Verb συνετίζω 'to Render Intelligent' in a Scholion on Gen 3:5, 7 JOOSTEN, Jan | abstract details download (open access) |
63 - 72 - | 'You Shall Observe His Heel' On the Use of τηρέω in Greek Genesis 3:15b LANIER, Gregory R. | abstract details download (open access) |
73 - 89 - | Observations on the Plague Narrative in Greek Exodus Strategies Used by the Translator to Shape the Narrative PERKINS, Larry | abstract details download (open access) |
91 - 101 - | Negotiating Moses's Divine-Human Identity in LXX Exodus BALOGH, Amy | abstract details download (open access) |
103 - 105 - | Translating Leviticus 20:13 HOLLENBACK, George M. | abstract details download (open access) |
107 - 117 - | Righteousness and Mercy in Greek Deuteronomy On the Translation of צדקה by ἐλεημοσύνη MAURAIS, Jean | abstract details download (open access) |
119 - 131 - | The Numeruswechsel as a Content and Context Related Criterion in the Characterisation of LXX Translation Tehnique Deuteronomy 29 as a Test Case KHOKHAR, Antony J. | abstract details download (open access) |
133 - 143 - | Psalm 7 in Greek Three Forays into the Secret World of OG SMITH, Jannes | abstract details download (open access) |
145 - 156 - | 'Physicians' in LXX Ps 87:11 and Isa 26:14 The Septuagint Rendering as a Polemic against the Hellenistic Cultural-Religious Environment SOMOV, Alexey | abstract details download (open access) |
157 - 165 - | Proverbs 11:1b-15 as Transmitted in an Unpublished Christian Palestinian Aramaic Palimpsest from St Catherine's Monastery (Sinai, Greek NF MG 14) MÜLLER-KESSLER, Christa | abstract details download (open access) |
167 - 175 - | 'Their Sacrifices with Psalms' in the Septuagint of Isaiah 66:20 AWABDY, Mark A. | abstract details download (open access) |
177 - 195 - | The Mechanics of the Recensional Process Theodotion's Treatment of First-Found Equivalents in Old Greek Daniel OLARIU, Daniel | abstract details download (open access) |
197 - 215 - | Jacob of Edessa's Witness to the 'Theodotion' Daniel Text Preliminary Observations MARSH, Bradley J. | abstract details download (open access) |
Dissertation Abstracts |
217 - 217 - | Creation and Salvation Models of Relationship between the God of Israel and the Nations in the Book of Jonah, in Psalm 33 (MT and LXX) and in the Novel Joseph and Aseneth SCIALABBA, Daniela | abstract details download (open access) |
218 - 218 - | Der ursprüngliche Septuaginta-Psalter und seine Rezensionen Eine Untersuchung anhand der Septuaginta-Psalmen 2; 8; 33; 49 und 103 HONG, Jonathan | abstract details download (open access) |
Book Reviews |
219 - 234 - | Book Reviews | abstract details download (open access) |