3 - 6 - | Introduction BLOHM, Uta, BODO, Marta, GUĐMARSDÓTTIR, Sigríður, KNAUSS, Stefanie, PAPACEK, Ruth | abstract details download (open access) |
7 - 12 - | In-Be-Tween MULDER, Anne-Claire, GUĐMARSDÓTTIR, Sigríður, KARLSDÓTTIR, Erla | abstract details download (open access) |
Theme - Thema - Tema |
13 - 28 - | The Queer Body of the Risen One TOMASSONE, Letizia | abstract details download (open access) |
29 - 51 - | In-between Spaces Women, Travelling and the Christian Tradition FRANCHI, Roberta | abstract details download (open access) |
53 - 66 - | Trinh Minh-ha and In-between Religious Language Painted in Gray and Red Colours GUĐMARSDÓTTIR, Sigríður | abstract details download (open access) |
67 - 84 - | Desde los márgenes Mujeres que viven en la frontera MARTÍNEZ CANO, Silvia | abstract details download (open access) |
85 - 98 - | Erotik und Mystik als Grenzüberschreitung Das Hohelied 5,2-8 und die mystischen Texte von Mechthild von Magdeburg PERINTFALVI, Rita | abstract details download (open access) |
Forum - Fórum |
99 - 117 - | Gender in Theology and Religion: A Success Story?! Report from a Conference MULDER, Anne-Claire, VAN DIJK, Mathilde, BERLIS, Angela | abstract details download (open access) |
119 - 132 - | ¿Errores doctrinales o pluralismo teológico? ZUBÍA GUINEA, Marta | abstract details download (open access) |
133 - 149 - | The Bible in Culturally Balanced and Inclusive Spanish An Approach to Promote a Project from Chile DIEVENKORN, Sabine | abstract details download (open access) |
Women's traditions - Frauentraditionen in Europa - Tradiciones de mujeres en Europa |
151 - 167 - | Zwischen Kulturen und Generationen Rollen und Positionen der Geschlechter in der traditionellen Synagoge der postsäkularen Gesellschaft Ungarns HROTKÓ, Larissa | abstract details download (open access) |
Work in progress - Trabajo en marcha |
169 - 185 - | Queere Lesarten des Hohelieds HÜGEL, Karin | abstract details download (open access) |
Book Reviews - Rezensionen - Recensiones |
187 - 203 - | Book Reviews - Rezensionen - Recensiones | abstract details download (open access) |