Journal of the European Society of Women in Theological Research

Feminist Perspectives in Pastoral Theology - Feministische Perspektiven in Pastoraltheologie - Des perspectives féministes en théologie pastorale

Volume 06

3 - 6 - 

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Thema - Subject - Sujet
7 - 17 - 
Dominant Practical Theology and Feminist Perspective

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19 - 29 - 
Face to Face
Feminist and Practical Theology in Discussion

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31 - 45 - 
Appropriation of Cultural Symbols in Cristian Liturgy
A Lesbian and Gay Case from the Netherlands
DIJK, Denise J.J.

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47 - 71 - 
Von den Erfahrungen von Frauen zu feinistischer Theologie
Hören und Erzählen als Ermächtigung zu einem neuem Sein von Frauen und zu einer neuen Rede von Gott
KLEIN, Stephanie

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73 - 84 - 
It Goes Without Saying
The Hiddenness of Supervision in Ministerial Training and the Hiddenness of Gender in Supervision
ADDY, Hazel, WARD, Frances

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85 - 98 - 
Überschneidungen, Korrespondenzen, Unvereinbarkeiten
Das verhältnis von Befreiungstheologie, bürgerlicher und marxistischer Subjekttheorie und Postmoderne
GÜNTER, Andrea

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Dialog - Dialogue - Dialogue
99 - 110 - 
Swimming like Salmons against the Stream
Some Reflections on Interreligious Communication from a Feminist Perspective
TROCH, Lieve

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111 - 116 - 
Interreligious Dialogue and Women
My Personal Experience

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117 - 122 - 
Building Bridges between Majority and Minority

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Aus den Ländern - From the Countries - Des Pays
123 - 131 - 
L'abus sexuel des enfants
La Belgique, Dutroux et après?
DUMEZ, Christiane

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Frauentraditionen in Europa - Women's traditions in Europe - Traditions des femmes en Europe
133 - 142 - 
Christ as Sun/King
The Historical Roots of a Perduring Dualism
ROLL, Susan K.

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Büchermarkt - Bookmarket - Foire aux livres
143 - 152 - 
Bibliographie - Bibliography - Bibliographie

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153 - 160 - 
Rezensionen - Book Reviews - Critique des Livres

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