Editorial |
v - viii - | Innerkirchliche Konflikte KRUIP, Gerhard | abstract details download (open access) |
Theme: Innerchurch Conflicts |
3 - 21 - | Dealing with Inner-Church Conflict The Story of a Soul on the Periphery ANTON, Emil | abstract details download (open access) |
23 - 40 - | Authority and Integralism in Pius X The Conflict over the Christian Democratic SillonMovement and Joseph Lahitton's Doctrine of Priestly Vocation ARNOLD, Claus | abstract details download (open access) |
41 - 58 - | Wilhelm Hentrich SJ (1887-1972) His Private Documents and the Insights they Provide into his Work in the Sanctum Officium SCHEIPER, Jessica | abstract details download (open access) |
59 - 77 - | Es geht ums Konzil! Pastoraltheologische Anmerkungen inmitten der Wiederentdeckung einer synodalen Kirchengestalt LOFFELD, Jan | abstract details download (open access) |
79 - 95 - | Tensions et conflits dans l'Église de France Une minorité à la recherche d'un nouveau rapport au monde GREINER, Dominique | abstract details download (open access) |
In Debate |
99 - 109 - | Aufruf mit utopischer Tendenz? Zur Situation römisch-katholischer Kirchengemeinden HÄRING, Hermann | abstract details download (open access) |
Articles |
113 - 131 - | The Lambs of the Berlinale Catholicism and German Modernity in Requiem (2006) and Kreuzweg (2014) JUGO, Jamina Vesta | abstract details download (open access) |
133 - 148 - | Religious Education and Pastoral Care in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic Some Examples of Good Practice in the Field of Catholic Cathesis in Slovenia PEVEC ROZMAN, Mateja, STREHOVEC, Tadej | abstract details download (open access) |
Report |
151 - 161 - | INSeCT 2017-2020 Report on the Recent Researcg Period of the International Network of Societies for Catholic Theology PRÜLLER-JAGENTEUFEL, Gunter | abstract details download (open access) |
Book Reviews |
163 - 179 - | Book Reviews | abstract details download (open access) |