Volume 49

3 - 35 - 
En-deçà du langage
Huchements, mots-sauvages, mantras dans le monde turk et au-delà
DOR, Rémy

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37 - 59 - 
The Yazicioğlu Brothers and the Textual Genealogies of Ottoman Islam

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61 - 83 - 
Poetry Attributed to Shah Ismail in the Study of Anatolian Alevism

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85 - 118 - 
Filling the Gap in Demographic Research on the Ottoman Transformation Period
Waqf Account Books as Sources for Ottoman Demographic History (Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries)
ORBAY, Kayhan

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119 - 151 - 
Comment Hayr ed-Dîn Barberousse fut reçu à Istanbul en 1533
VATIN, Nicolas

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153 - 193 - 
Les guides au service des porteurs de dépêches et voyageurs européens dans le désert de Syrie (XVIe-XVIIe siècles)
MARAL, Clément

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195 - 235 - 
Ottoman Foreign Policy during the Thirty Years War
CEVRIOĞLU, Mahmut Halef

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239 - 359 - 
Ottomans at the Alhambra, 1844-1914
An Investigation into the Perception of Al-Andalus by Ottoman Subjects in Times of Modernity
ELDEM, Edhem

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Notes et documents
363 - 371 - 
Note sur la mosquée et le quartier d'Esīrci Kemāl ed-Dīn (Kemāl ed-Dīn le marchand d'esclaves) à Istanbul
ÖZKORAY, Hayri Gökşin

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373 - 387 - 
Les notes de voyage du patriarche Arsenije III Crnojević, de Peć à Silivri, en 1682
LORY, Bernard

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389 - 399 - 
Einige Ergänzungen zu E. Prokosch's 'Osmanisches Lehngut im Sudan-Arabischen'
KNÜPPEL, Michael

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Comptes rendus
403 - 436 - 
Comptes rendus

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