Revue des Études Juives
Volume 182, issue 1-2
janvier-juin 2023

1 - 24 - 
Priest and Androgynous
The Metamorphosis of a Halakhic Case and its Gender Politics

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25 - 50 - 
Ṭu bi- or not ṭu bi-Šebhaṭ?
A Festal Rabbanite Response to the Karaite Question

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51 - 73 - 
Karaite and Rabbanite Texts in Transit
Between Byzantium and the Crimea

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75 - 93 - 
Did Abarbanel Study with R. Joseph Hayyun or Know his Biblical Commentaries?
KAPAH, Yohanan

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95 - 139 - 
Sébastien Munster, de l'Hebraica Veritas à l'«ethnographie» du judaïsme rabbinique (I)
Les mobiles d'un hébraïsant; l'avènement de l'expert

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141 - 181 - 
Quand ciel et mer se mélangent
La versification moderne des Hébreux d'après les Quæstiones celeberrimae in Genesim (1623) de Marin Mersenne
CERVEUX, Alexandre, VAN HAMME, Clément

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183 - 193 - 
Hebrew Tense and Modus through German Glasses
A Glance at the Linguistic Methodology of Judah Leib Ben-Ze'ev
WORMSER, Yehonatan

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195 - 216 - 
An Enigmatic Jewish Surname
BEIDER, Alexander

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217 - 233 - 
Moses Gaster
Romantic Pioneer of Samaritan Studies
PUMMER, Reinhard

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Notes et mélanges
235 - 239 - 
Les actions de grâce du rite porugais et leur adaptation au temps de guerre
NAHON, Peter

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Comptes rendus
241 - 248 - 
Comptes rendus

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249 - 278 - 
Notes bibliographiques

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279 - 280 - 
Livres reçus

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