Articles |
3 - 36 - | The Marriage of Ibrahim Pasha (ca. 1495-1536) The Rise of Sultan Süleyman's Favorite to the Grand Vizierate and the Politics of the Elites in the Early Sixteenth-Century Ottoman Empire TURAN, Ebru | abstract details download (open access) |
37 - 88 - | Power and Submission Gifting at Royal Circumcision Festivals in the Ottoman Empire (16th-18th Centuries) REINDL-KIEL, Hedda | abstract details download (open access) |
89 - 114 - | In Search of Justice Petitions Sent from Palestine to Istanbul from the 1870's Onwards BEN-BASSAT, Yuval | abstract details download (open access) |
115 - 146 - | Turkish Periodicals in the District of Jerusalem at the End of the Ottoman Period KUSHNER, David | abstract details download (open access) |
147 - 178 - | Antisionisme et antisémitisme dans la presse ottomane d'Istanbul à l'époque jeune turque (1909-1912) L'exemple d'Ebüzziya Tevfik TÜRESAY, Özgür | abstract details download (open access) |
Dossier «Mamelouks, Turcs et Ottomans» |
183 - 198 - | La tente du prince et le campement des armées à l'époque ayyoubide MOUTON, Jean-Michel | abstract details download (open access) |
199 - 207 - | Gens du pays de Rûm en Égypte sous les premiers sultans circassiens (fin XIVe - début XVe siècles) BALIVET, Michel | abstract details download (open access) |
209 - 227 - | Les janissaires, les mamelouks et les armes à feu Une comparaison des systèmes militaires ottoman et mamelouk à partir du milieu du XVe siècle FUESS, Albrecht | abstract details download (open access) |
229 - 246 - | Le serviteur des deux saints sanctuaires et ses mahmal Des Mamelouks aux Ottomans VEINSTEIN, Gilles | abstract details download (open access) |
247 - 290 - | Disparition et persistance de l'iqṭā' en Égypte après la conquête ottomane MICHEL, Nicolas | abstract details download (open access) |
291 - 303 - | Eunuch Households in Istanbul, Medina, and Cairo during the Ottoman Era HATHAWAY, Jane | abstract details download (open access) |
305 - 340 - | Le tombeau des sultans Constructions monumentales et stratégies funéraires dans les sultanats mamelouk et ottoman LOISEAU, Julien | abstract details download (open access) |
341 - 350 - | À propos de quelques stèles «ottomanes» du XIXe siècle au Caire VATIN, Nicolas | abstract details download (open access) |
Notes et débats |
353 - 361 - | Noch einmal zu den mongolischen Lehnwörtern im Komanischen KNÜPPEL, Michael | abstract details download (open access) |
363 - 371 - | Seljuk Mints and Silver Mines LINDNER, Rudi Paul | abstract details download (open access) |
373 - 382 - | Legal Reflections on the 'Jurisprudential Shift Hypothesis' VAN DEN BOOGERT, Maurits H. | abstract details download (open access) |
383 - 399 - | Der 'deutsche Heldenfriedhof in Skutari' Ein vergessener deutscher Friedhof in Istanbul LAQUEUR, Hans-Peter | abstract details download (open access) |
Bilan et perspectives |
403 - 431 - | The Material Culture of Global Connections A Report on Current Research FAROQHI, Suraiya | abstract details download (open access) |
Comptes rendus |
433 - 475 - | Comptes rendus | abstract details download (open access) |