Studia Canonica

Diversity and Unity
Rethinking the Teaching Office of the Episcopal Conference in a Worldwide Church

Volume 53, issue 1

5 - 6 - 
Editor's Note

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7 - 13 - 
Diversity and Unity: Rethinking the Teaching Office of the Episcopal Conference in a Worldwide Church
A Study Project by the Peter and Paul Seminar
DUFFY, Eugene, WIJLENS, Myriam

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15 - 32 - 
Clés futures d'une Église mondiale aujourd'hui
Défis pour la mission et l'enseignement de l'Église
MADUKU, Ignace Ndongala

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33 - 52 - 
The Impact of Digitalization on Ecclesial Processes of Synodality and Discernment

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53 - 74 - 
Diversity in Teaching by Episcopal Conferences
Some Positive Considerations
DUFFY, Eugene

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75 - 105 - 
Representation and Witnessing in Synodal Structures
Rethinking the Munus Docendi of Episcopal Conferences in Light of Communio Fidelium, Communio Ecclesiarum and Communio Episcoparum

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107 - 126 - 
L'unité de l'Église dans la diversité
Le rôle de l'Esprit selon Yves Congar, o.p.

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127 - 164 - 
The Actors Involved in the Exercise of the Prophetic Office in the Church
The Common Message of Lumen Gentium 12, Lumen Gentium 25, and Dei Verbum 7/10
DE MEY, Peter

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165 - 182 - 
Penser l'autorité des conférences épiscopales à la lumière de la catholicité de l'Église et de l'inculturation de l'Évangile

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183 - 208 - 
Medellín as Synodal Event
The Genesis and Development of a Collegial Ecclesiality

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209 - 231 - 
Unité et diversité dans l'Église
Une réflexion théologique sur l'autorité d'enseignement en Orient
HACHEM, Gabriel

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233 - 263 - 
Exercising Teaching Authority in the Eastern Catholic Patriarchal Churches

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265 - 296 - 
Episcopal Conferences, Particular Councils, and the Renewal of Inter-Diocesan 'Deliberative Synodality'
SZABÓ, Péter

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297 - 315 - 
Diverse Structures and Procedures for the Exercise of the Teaching Office Anglican-Catholic Ecumenical Learning
CLIFFORD, Catherine E.

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317 - 331 - 
Towards the Development of Criteria on Diversity in Unity for Official Catholic Teachings on Moral Issues

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333 - 333 - 
Ouvrages reçus à la rédaction - Books Received

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335 - 339 - 
Notes biographiques - Biographical Notes

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