v - viii - | The Historical Jesus TURNER, Geoffrey, KRUIP, Gerhard | abstract details download (open access) |
3 - 30 - | Jesus, der Wundertäter Auf dem Weg zu einem glaubwürdigen Entwurf des historischen Jesus TWELFTREE, Graham H. | abstract details download (open access) |
31 - 43 - | The Historical Reliability of John's Gospel KING, Nicholas | abstract details download (open access) |
45 - 64 - | Die Kontroverse um das Buch 'Jesús', von José Antonio Pagola Das Werk und seine Rezeption AGUIRRE MONASTERIO, Rafael | abstract details download (open access) |
65 - 92 - | Vom 'historischen' Jesus, dem 'erinnerten' Jesus und darüber hinaus Zum aktuellen Stand der Jesusforschung SCHMIDT, Eckart David | abstract details download (open access) |
93 - 115 - | Dogmatics under Construction The Challenges from the Jesus Quest for Dogmatic Theology GAMBERINI, Paolo | abstract details download (open access) |
119 - 134 - | The Sacrament of the World Thinking God's Presence beyond Public Theology VAN ERP, Stephan | abstract details download (open access) |
137 - 149 - | Transformation of Polish Church and Society after 1989 PASIERBEK, Wit | abstract details download (open access) |
151 - 155 - | The Conversation of the Presidium of the European Society of Catholic Theology with Representatives from the Roman Curia, 26 September 2014 LINTNER, Martin M., SCHELKENS Karim | abstract details download (open access) |
157 - 171 - | Book Reviews | abstract details download (open access) |
173 - 182 - | Announcements - Annonces importantes - Ankündigungen | abstract details download (open access) |