Volume 83

xvii - xxix - 
In memoriam Justin Mossay (1920-2012)
COULIE, Bernard

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1 - 12 - 
Papyrus and Parchment
Additional Problems in the Transmission of 8th-Century Theological Texts
ALEXAKIS, Alexander

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13 - 39 - 
À propos d'un ouvrage récent sur la Chronique de Morée
Contribution au débat
BLANCHET, Marie-Hélène, SAINT-GUILLAIN, Guillaume

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41 - 47 - 
¿La Vida de Espiridón de Leoncio de Neápolis?
Precisiones sobre el manuscrito Laurenciano IX 9

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49 - 82 - 
Sur le mensonge, l'âme de l'homme et les faux prophètes
La lettre ψ du Florilège Coislin
CEULEMANS, Reinhart, DE RIDDER, Eva, LEVRIE, Katrien, VAN DEUN, Peter

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83 - 102 - 
Una versione bizantina e una metafrasi neogreca dello Ps.-Melampo De naevis
COSTANZA, Salvatore

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103 - 111 - 
The Byzantine Family of Opoi
Addenda et Corrigenda
GEORGIOU, Stavros G.

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113 - 147 - 
Monastic Thought on the Passions
Pseudo-Macarius versus Evagrius Ponticus

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149 - 160 - 
A Homily with a Description of the Church of the Holy Apostles in Constantinople
JAMES, Liz, GAVRIL, Iuliana

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161 - 200 - 
Patrons and Paintings on the Island of Kythera in the Early Palaeologan Period
KNIPP, David

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201 - 227 - 
'At the Resurrection We Will Not Recognise One Another'
Radical Devaluation of Social Relations in the Lost Model of Anastasius' and Pseudo-Athanasius' Questions and Answers

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229 - 274 - 
The Byzantine Winemaking Industry

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275 - 282 - 
Un imitateur chrétien de Julien l'Apostat?
MARASCO, Gabriele

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283 - 296 - 
On the Topaz Island
Diodorus of Sicily and the Byzantine Florilegium Coislinianum
MICHELS, Johanna, VAN DEUN, Peter

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297 - 337 - 
Imaging Isaak Komnenos of Cyprus (1184-1191) and the Cypriots
Evidence from the Latin Historiography of the Third Crusade

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339 - 361 - 
Zur Hölle mit ihnen
Die Konstruktion kultureller Identitäten und Alteritäten auf Kreta am Beispiel von Wandmalereien des 14. Jahrhunderts in Kritsa

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363 - 374 - 
The Manuscripts of the Chronicle of 1570

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375 - 394 - 
Zwei weitere Deklamationen des Demetrios Moschos
STEFEC, Rudolf S.

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395 - 414 - 
Une iconographie exceptionnelle
Le Christ Pantocrator entouré de la Philoxénie d'Abraham et des scènes de la Passion sur une icône post-byzantine inédite conservée en Albanie
TRIFONOVA, Alexandra

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415 - 420 - 
Agazia studente ad Alessandria (Hist. 2.15.7)
VALERIO, Francesco

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431 - 432 - 
Adaptation des noms étrangers à la grammaire du grec byzantin
Le cas 'Narsis' dans la Chronique de Théophane

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433 - 449 - 
Comptes rendus

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451 - 465 - 
Notices bibliographiques

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467 - 469 - 
Ouvrages reçus par la rédaction du 1er juillet 2012 au 30 juin 2013

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