Articles |
1 - 12 - | The Neo-Aramaic Verbal Root GŠQ 'to Look' and its Middle Iranian Origin MUTZAFI, Hezy | abstract details download pdf |
13 - 30 - | An Old Nubian Lunary with a Greek Addition from Gebel Adda ŁAJTAR, Adam, VAN GERVEN OEI, Vincent W.J. | abstract details download pdf |
31 - 41 - | Les Canons d'Athanase et leurs versions copte et arabe (CPG 2302, CPC 0089) SIDARUS, Adel | abstract details download pdf |
43 - 86 - | La leggenda di Pietro il Pubblicano nella tradizione agiografica siriaca Storia trasmissione, edizione critica, traduzione VENTURINI, Guido | abstract details download pdf |
87 - 139 - | Two Armenian Manuscripts in Switzerland (with an Annotated Translation of a Newly-Found Abridgement of the Commentary of Canon Tablets Attributed to Step'anos Siwnec'i) GRIGORIAN SAVARY, Gohar | abstract details download pdf |
141 - 163 - | The Armenian Version of Ps.-Hippolytus De Consummatione mundi and its Impact on the Armenian Apocalyptic Tradition A First Appraisal POGOSSIAN, Zaroui | abstract details download pdf |
165 - 205 - | The Armenian Ghurans - 1680-2014 DADOYAN, Seta B. | abstract details download pdf |
207 - 234 - | The Rise of Islam According to Dionysius of Tell-Maḥrē Tentative Reconstruction through Three Dependent Texts JACOBS, Bert | abstract details download pdf |
Bibliographie |
235 - 253 - | Comptes rendus | abstract details download pdf |
255 - 255 - | Ouvrages envoyés à la rédaction | abstract details download pdf |