Louvain Studies

Cummunal Discernment, Crisis, and Reconciliation
Essays in Honor of Jacques Haers, SJ

Volume 45, issue 1

3 - 6 - 
Communal Discernment, Crisis, and Reconciliation
ZUIJDWEGT, Geertjan, DE WITTE, Pieter, VAN ERP, Stephan

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7 - 15 - 
A Life Observed
Retracing the Journey of Jacques Haers, SJ

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16 - 33 - 
Political Theology and Discernment
Theological Reflection beyond Abstract Labor

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34 - 59 - 
The 'Zwarte Piet' Debate in Belgium and the Netherlands
Searching for Racial Reconciliation in Post/colonial Europe? Theologizing about Social Conflict and Cohesion at the Intersection of Race and Religion
GRUBER, Judith

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60 - 82 - 
Believing in Persons
Taking Fundamental Theology to Prison
DE WITTE, Pieter, ZUIJDWEGT, Geertjan

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83 - 96 - 
Homosexuality, Crisis, and Communal Discernment
A Reflection on the Catholic Church's Crisis-Inducing Attitude on Homosexuality

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97 - 111 - 
The Awakening of Chile
Demands for Participation and the Synodal Church
ARENAS, Sandra

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112 - 117 - 
Interview with Elias Lopez, SJ
DE WITTE, Pieter, ZUIJDWEGT, Geertjan

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