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Document Details :

Title: Fouilles (2005-2006) à Sangtarashan, Luristan, Iran
Author(s): MALEKZADEH, Mehrdad , HASANPUR, Ata , HASHEMI, Zahra
Journal: Iranica Antiqua
Volume: 52    Date: 2017   
Pages: 61-158
DOI: 10.2143/IA.52.0.3269016

Abstract :
Sangtarashan is located in the southern part of Luristan province. Three archaeological expeditions in 2005 and 2006, directed by M. Malekzadeh and his assistant A. Hasanpur brought to light hundreds of objects belonging to the famous 'Luristan bronzes'. They include simple to elaborate objects of different kinds such as weapons, vessels, jewelry, figurines, etc. The quantity of objects scattered on the topsoil first conducted the archaeologists to consider the site as a cemetery as it is usual to find in Luristan. However a series of trenches didn’t show any traces of graves. Several groups of metal objects were found. Till 2011, three other expeditions were conducted there. The last three ones revealed that these objects were associated to a big circular architectural structure. The objects generally belong to the Iron Age II and III with a majority to the Iron Age II. This preliminary report only deals with the first three seasons of excavations, (2005-2006), but cannot completely ignore the results of the following seasons. The six seasons of excavation in Sangtarashan are the PhD’s subject of Z. Hashemi. Hopefully it will be published soon after its completion. This paper aims at a general presentation of excavated materials more than a deep comparison study, which will appear in the final publication.

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