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Document Details :

Title: Les inscriptions des cloches de Tat'ew
Author(s): OUZOUNIAN, Agnès
Journal: Revue des Études Arméniennes
Volume: 42    Date: 2023-2024   
Pages: 275-300
DOI: 10.2143/REA.42.0.3293651

Abstract :
The two bells in the Tat‘ew monastery bear inscriptions dated 1302 and 1304. These inscriptions — re-deciphered from recent photographs — mention the name of 'Tēr Step‘annos Ōrpēlean' (sic), metropolitan of Siwnik‘, who died in 1303. The prōtofrontēs title given to the bishophistorian is discussed in this article illustrated with numerous figures.

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