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Document Details :

Title: L'ouvrage de Claude Mutafian Jérusalem et les Arméniens jusqu'à la conquête ottomane (1516), Paris (Les Belles-Lettres) 2022, 518 p.
Author(s): MAHÉ, Jean-Pierre
Journal: Revue des Études Arméniennes
Volume: 42    Date: 2023-2024   
Pages: 269-274
DOI: 10.2143/REA.42.0.3293650

Abstract :
Conceived as a lavishly illustrated exhibition catalog, this book presents photos of documents recounting key moments in Armenians’ centuriesold relationship with the Holy City. Each document is accompanied by a note enabling the reader to find the actual words of the content. Particular emphasis is placed on the Armenian principalities of the Near East and their relations with the crusader states of the Latin East.

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