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Document Details :

Title: Les hayrēns arméniens comparés aux albas des troubadours occitans
Author(s): YEGHIAZARYAN, Vano , MARUTYAN, Tehmina
Journal: Revue des Études Arméniennes
Volume: 42    Date: 2023-2024   
Pages: 145-154
DOI: 10.2143/REA.42.0.3293641

Abstract :
Attributed to Nahapet K‘uč‘ak by their first publisher in 1882, the Armenian hayrens — poetic couplets in a popular style — are in reality, as Manuk Abełyan has well recognised, anonymous folk works (or due to authors whose names have been lost). Others were composed by various poets whose names appear in the manuscripts. In any case, Nahapet K‘uč‘ak is not the author, but the heir (15th-16th century) to a line of bards and itinerant singers who collected them from generation to generation. Some of the literary types of these hayrens are similar to the albas of the French or Occitan troubadours, which describe the frustration of lovers who are forced to separate at dawn. Instead of blaming this disgrace on social etiquette, they prefer to blame the dawn, the birds or the crowing of the cock.

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