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Document Details :

Title: The Poetics of Psalm 82
Subtitle: Three Critical Notes along with a Plea for the Poetic
Author(s): STRAWN, Brent A.
Journal: Revue Biblique
Volume: 121    Issue: 1   Date: 2014   
Pages: 21-46
DOI: 10.2143/RBI.121.1.3157161

Abstract :
This study examines three debated points in Psalm 82: the identification of those 'who do not know or understand' in v. 5, the nature of the divine speech in v. 6, and the meaning of the verb תנחל in v. 8. Each crux is addressed with an eye on the poetics of the psalm and, especially, its nature as poetry. This sort of poetic approach indicates that many of the earlier, overly-historicized studies of Psalm 82 are misguided.

Trois points font débat dans le Ps 82: l’identité de ceux «qui ne savent ou ne comprennent pas», au v. 5 la nature du discours divin au v. 6, et le sens du verbe תנחל au v. 8. Chaque point est examiné sous l’angle de la poétique du psaume. L’approche poétique montre que les précédentes études du Ps 82, trop historicisantes, mènent à de fausses pistes.

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