![]() ISSN : 0024-5836 E-ISSN : 2295-5836 CATEGORIES : Philosophy | Logique et Analyse
Nouvelle série Logique et Analyse is an international, peer-reviewed journal that publishes research in logic, philosophy of logic and/or mathematics, argumentation-theory, and analytical philosophy, broadly conceived. Its first issue was published in 1958 by the National Center for Research in Logic (http://www.logic-center.be/), the Belgian Society for the promotion of logical research founded by Leo Apostel, Philippe Devaux, Joseph Dopp, Robert Feys, and Chaïm Perelman. The journal has been appearing ever since. Its present editor is Jean Paul Van Bendegem who succeeded Paul Gochet. Logique et Analyse appears on a quarterly basis, and publishes thematic issues as well as contributed papers. We welcome submission of papers in English, French, German or Dutch, with an approximate length of 15 to 20 pages. Occasionally, longer pieces of exceptional significance are considered as well. Authors can consult the submission-guidelines on the journal's website. Guest-editors are invited to contact the editor with a detailed proposal. Logique et Analyse is abstracted and indexed in the Arts & Humanities Citation Index and Current Contents/Arts & Humanities; Web of Science; Dietrich's Index Philodophicus; Philosopher's Index; Zentralblatt MATH; International Bibliography of Periodical Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences / IBZ online; ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences); Scopus. Logique et Analyse is a peer-reviewed journal. Editorial Board - Information for Authors - Order a paper back-issue - Subscription rate Full text and abstracts