ISSN : 1370-0049 E-ISSN : 1783-1431 CATEGORIES : Ethics, Philosophy | Striving after interdisciplinary collaboration among ethicists and specialists from diverse sciences, Ethical Perspectives is primarily an international forum for the promotion of dialogue between fundamental and applied ethics. Ethical Perspectives thus aims to stimulate in-depth reflection and dialogue among researchers and decision-makers in all areas of human endeavour who are conscious of deep-seated ethical questions in areas such as contemporary economics, sociology, medicine and health care, politics, law, business, labour relations, cultural life, and other perennial and emerging questions. In keeping with its stress on interdisciplinarity, Ethical Perspectives is also interested in publishing ethical reflection on the pedagogy of ethics at university and other levels of higher education. Ethical Perspectives is abstracted and indexed in the Arts and Humanities Citation Index; Current Contents/Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences Citation Index; Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition; Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences; European Reference Index for the Humanities; Philosopher's Index; ATLA Religion Database; Sociological Abstracts; Index Theologicus; Elenchus Bibliographicus (Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses); Religious and Theological Abstracts; INIST/CNRS; ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences); Scopus; CrossRef; Thomson Scientific Links. Ethical Perspectives is a peer-reviewed journal. Supplement series Ethical Perspectives publishes a Supplement series of books. The aim of this series is to provide an opportunity for publication of more substantial works of monograph length and collective works on particular themes. Editorial Board - Information for Authors - Order a paper back-issue - Subscription rate Full text and abstracts
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