5 - 43 - 
Der lange Weg vom Schriftzeichen zu seiner Bedeutung
Bemerkungen zum 'Index Thomisticus'
HOLZER, Philippe-André

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44 - 70 - 
The Development of Jerome's Views on the Ascetic Life
DRIVER, Steven D.

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71 - 79 - 
Note sur Guerric de Saint-Quentin et la question de l'infini divin

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80 - 109 - 
Early Scholastic Angelology
COLISH, Marcia L.

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110 - 144 - 
A Late Thirteenth-Century Attack on the Fourth Lateran Council
The 'Liber Contra Lombardum' and Contemporary Debates on the Trinity
ROBB, Fiona

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145 - 156 - 
Cassian's Conferences Nine and Ten
Some Observations Regarding Contemplation and Hermeneutics
LAIRD, Martin S.

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157 - 181 - 
La ciencia humana de Jesucristo según Odon Rigaldo
FRESNADA, F. Martinez

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182 - 225 - 
The Controversy on Methusalem's Death
Proto-Chronology and the Origins of the Western Concept of Inerrancy

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226 - 254 - 
Éthique et métaphysique?
Le rôle de la pensée d'Eckhart dans le débat sur le propre de la philosophie médiévale
GORIS, Wouter

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255 - 255 - 
Robert Graystanes (corrections)