5 - 34 - | 'Mother of the Nation (mḗtēr éthnous)' (4 Macc. 15:29) Mother of Seven Maccabaean Sons as Patriarchess of New-Quality Nation BARAN, Grzegorz M. | abstract details download pdf |
35 - 63 - | Capta et devicta? Eine mk Gegenerzählung zur römischen Judaea-Capta-Münzprägung - Anmerkungen zur literarischen Technik einer narrativen Münzüberprägung in Mk 5,1-20 LAU, Markus | abstract details download pdf |
64 - 81 - | La citation dans la pensée de saint Augustin DE SAXCÉ, Anne | abstract details download pdf |
82 - 104 - | What was the Meaning and Purpose of Amulets with Samaritan Writing in the Byzantine Period? PUMMER, Reinhard | abstract details download pdf |
105 - 129 - | Gate Piazza and Cult at Iron Age IIA Tell el-Far'ah North MUMCUOGLU, Madeleine, GARFINKEL, Yosef | abstract details download pdf |
Notes archéologiques |
130 - 135 - | Des sarcophages samariens conservés à Jénine DUVIGNAC, Lucie, SHAWAMRA, Awni | abstract details download pdf |
Recensions |
136 - 147 - | Recensions | abstract details download pdf |
148 - 157 - | Revue de livres | abstract details download pdf |
158 - 160 - | Livres reçus au bureau de la rédaction | abstract details download pdf |