609 - 627 - | La exploración de concomitancias sintáctico-semánticas como vía de caracterización verbal en la lengua latina CABRILLANA, Concepción | abstract details download pdf |
628 - 645 - | The Metapoetic Function of Magic Ovid's Orpheus and Lucan's Erictho CELOTTO, Giulio | abstract details download pdf |
646 - 670 - | Stoicism in the Stars Cicero's Aratea in the De Natura Deorum ČULÍK-BAIRD, Hannah | abstract details download pdf |
671 - 693 - | Fuluia Plautilla, sponsa Antonini Augusti et iam Augusta nuncupata Política dinástica del emperador Septimio Severo GONZÁLEZ FERNÁNDEZ, Rafael, CONESA NAVARRO, Pedro David | abstract details download pdf |
694 - 703 - | Corydon's Catalogue of Flowers, Plants and Fruits (Verg., Ecl. 2.45-55) PARASKEVIOTIS, George C. | abstract details download pdf |
704 - 735 - | Augustus in the Making A Reappraisal of the Ideology behind Octavian's Palatine Residence through its Interior Decoration and Topographical Context RAIMONDI COMINESI, Aurora | abstract details download (open access) |
736 - 750 - | Der Panegyriker von 313 als heidnischer Monotheist TSCHÖGELE, Thomas | abstract details download pdf |
751 - 772 - | Huellas de la gramática y de la lectura de autores en algunos textos médicos tardolatinos VÁZQUEZ BUJÁN, Manuel E. | abstract details download pdf |
773 - 786 - | 'Narres, si poteris narrare' (Ov., Met. 3.192-193) Nonnus' (Dion. 5.287-551) Response to Artemis' Challenge to Actaeon in Ovid VERHELST, Berenice | abstract details download pdf |
787 - 788 - | Note de lecture | abstract details download pdf |
789 - 901 - | Comptes rendus | abstract details download pdf |
902 - 905 - | Publications adressées à Latomus | abstract details download pdf |