Introduction - Einleitung - Prefacio |
1 - 5 - | Transkulturalismus und Interreligiösität Es ist schwer, aber es ist nicht grundlos schwer DIEVENKORN, Sabine, PICKER-NEISS, Rori | abstract details download (open access) |
7 - 10 - | Transculturalism and Interreligious Building It is hard to do, but it is supposed to be hard DIEVENKORN, Sabine, PICKER-NEISS, Rori | abstract details download (open access) |
11 - 15 - | Transculturalismo e interreligiosidad Complicado, pero ya contábamos con ello DIEVENKORN, Sabine, PICKER-NEISS, Rori | abstract details download (open access) |
Theme - Thema - Tema |
17 - 33 - | Geschlecht und Handlungsmacht Die Geburtsgeschichte des Mose und ihre Transformation in patristischen und rabbinischen Texten SIQUANS, Agnethe | abstract details download (open access) |
35 - 53 - | Women and the Conditions for Interreligious Dialogue CORNILLE, Catherine | abstract details download (open access) |
55 - 66 - | Über die Notwendigkeit für Christ_innen, den Dialog mit Jüd_innen in westlich-demokratischen Gesellschaften zu suchen und zu führen FISCHER, Irmtraud | abstract details download (open access) |
67 - 80 - | 'I Hid Not My Face' An Essay on Women, their Beards, and the Promise of Isaiah 50:6 VAN DEN BERG, Mariecke | abstract details download (open access) |
81 - 94 - | 'Cambiar para permanecer' El desafío del uso de categorías científicas para la exégesis y hermenéutica bíblicas feministas NAVARRO PUERTO, Mercedes | abstract details download (open access) |
95 - 107 - | Emigration as a Space for Creative Freedom Mother Maria Skobtsova and Sister Joanna Reitlinger BAUER, Kateřina Kočandrle | abstract details download (open access) |
Forum - Fórum |
109 - 110 - | Vatikan bekräftigt Nein zur Priesterweihe von Frauen RAMING, Ida | abstract details download (open access) |
Book Review - Rezension - Recension |
111 - 113 - | Book Review - Rezension - Recension | abstract details download (open access) |