Volume 68, issue 1

7 - 24 - 
Augustine and Plotinus on the Matter of the Corporeal World
MORO, Enrico

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25 - 58 - 
Psalmody and Spiritual Exercise in Book Nine of Augustine's Confessions

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59 - 90 - 
Un dialogue de sourds?
Argumentation et modes de pensée dans le Contra Iulianum d'Augustin
RIBREAU, Mickaël

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91 - 123 - 
The Ambiguous Reception of the Doctrine of Duplex Iustitia in Leuven (1544-1556)
GERACE, Antonio, GIELIS, Gert

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125 - 140 - 
De bello intestino
In Search of Tyconius' and Augustine's Use of a Term
VAN OORT, Johannes

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