1 - 8 - | A Case of Ptolemaic Quid Pro Quo from the Phaies Archive BLUMELL, Lincoln H., ALIBERTI, Chiara | abstract details download pdf |
9 - 48 - | Vom ägyptischen Lokalgott zur griechischen Universalgottheit Sarapis als Heil- und Orakelgott in der Prolemäerzeit HERKLOTZ, Friederike | abstract details download pdf |
49 - 82 - | The Emergence of the Ptolemaic Honorific Court Titles LANCIERS, Eddy | abstract details download pdf |
83 - 101 - | The Institutional Models for Ptolemaic Royal Banks and Granaries MUHS, Brian | abstract details download pdf |
103 - 113 - | A Problem of Historical Geography Orthagoreia in Thrace Reconsidered SABA, Sara | abstract details download pdf |
115 - 145 - | Aes excurrens and the Abacus DE BREE, Flip | abstract details download pdf |
147 - 167 - | The Election of Centurions during the Republican Period TAYLOR, Michael J. | abstract details download pdf |
169 - 198 - | King of Beers Alcohol, Authority, and Identity among Batavian Soldiers in the Roman Auxilia at Vindolanda MCLAUGHLIN, Jonathan J. | abstract details download pdf |
199 - 219 - | La chronologie des archives de Narmouthis BLASCO TORRES, Ana Isabel | abstract details download pdf |
221 - 261 - | Lateinische Inschriften aus dem Thermenmuseum in Heerlen (Niederlande) MINIS, Joes, SCHORN, Stefan | abstract details download pdf |
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305 - 331 - | Castration under Roman Law A Study of the Codifications during the Reign of Justinian I (527-565) KONTANI, Yuki | abstract details download pdf |