1 - 73 - | Age-Class Societies in Ancient Greece? KENNELL, Nigel | abstract details download pdf |
75 - 100 - | Eucrate, Lisicle e Agnone SALDUTTI, Vittorio | abstract details download pdf |
101 - 114 - | Quantifying Imprecisely Dated Sources A New Inclusive Method for Charting Diachronic Change in Graeco-Roman Egypt VAN BEEK, Bart, DEPAUW, Mark | abstract details download pdf |
115 - 149 - | Book Burning as Conflict Management in the Roman Empire (213 BCE - 200 CE) ROHMANN, Dirk | abstract details download pdf |
151 - 189 - | The Family Relationships of Ovid's Third Wife A Reconsideration LEWIS, Anne-Marie | abstract details download pdf |
191 - 212 - | Flavia Domitilla as delicata A New Interpretation of Suetonius, Vesp. 3 LA MONACA, Valeria | abstract details download pdf |
213 - 221 - | The Omen of Sneezing VAN DER HORST, Pieter W. | abstract details download pdf |
223 - 253 - | Le liste di Erodoto BUTTI DE LIMA, Paulo | abstract details download pdf |
255 - 265 - | Da Xanto alla Suda e oltre FAVUZZI, Andrea | abstract details download pdf |
Collecting Fragments in the 21st Century |
267 - 267 - | Collecting Fragments in the 21st Century A LECTIO Series of Round Table Discussions SCHORN, Stefan | abstract details download pdf |
269 - 288 - | Collecting Quotations by Topic Degrees of Preservation and Transtextual Relations among Genres BERTI, Monica | abstract details download pdf |
289 - 305 - | The Study of Intermediate Authors and its Role in the Interpretation of Historical Fragments LENFANT, Dominique | abstract details download pdf |
Letters to the Editors |
307 - 315 - | Letters to the Editors | abstract details download pdf |