5 - 17 - | Associations and Patronage in Ancient Athens ARNAOUTOGLOU, I. | abstract details download pdf |
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33 - 61 - | I mercenari nella politica ateniese dell' età di Allessandro I. Soldati e ufficiale mercenari ateniesi al servizio della Persia LANDUCCI GATTINO, Franca | abstract details download pdf |
63 - 110 - | Philae und die Dodekaschoinos in ptolemäischer Zeit Ein Beitrag zur Frage ptolemäischer Präzenz im Grenzland zwischen Ägypten und Afrika an Hand der architektonischen un epigraphischen Quellen DIETZE, Gertrud | abstract details download pdf |
111 - 117 - | Das Haus des Nektanebis und das Haus des Ptolemaios HUSS, W. | abstract details download pdf |
119 - 140 - | The Behaviour of Consumers in the Zenon Papyri REEKMANS, T. | abstract details download pdf |
141 - 149 - | An Enteuxis from the Zenon Archive from a Female Plaintiff SCHWENDNER, G., SIJPESTEIJN, P.J. | abstract details download pdf |
151 - 175 - | Libitina's Bitter Gains Seasonal Mortality and Endemic Disease in the Ancient City of Rome SCHEIDEL, W. | abstract details download pdf |
177 - 188 - | Il culto di Esculapio fra i Peligni VAN WONTERGHEM, F. | abstract details download pdf |
189 - 210 - | Recherche sur les Aemelii d'Afrique Proconsulaire et de Numidie BERTRANDY, F. | abstract details download pdf |
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233 - 248 - | A New Papyrus (P. Egypt. Mus. inv. s.r. 3055) and the Equestrian Officers from Roman Egypt DEVIJVER, H. | abstract details download pdf |
249 - 278 - | Politics and Belief in Timaeus of Tauromenium SCHEPENS, G. | abstract details download pdf |
279 - 302 - | P. Fay. 19, Hadrian's Memoirs, and Imperial Epistolary Autobiography BOLLANSÉE, J. | abstract details download pdf |
303 - 330 - | Structure et thèmes initiatiques de l'Âne d'or d'Apulée MIMBU KILOL, H. | abstract details download pdf |