Neo-Aramaic Dialects |
1 - 7 - | Ṭūrōyo Perfect and NENA Perfects A Preliminary Study TOMAL, Maciej | abstract details |
9 - 23 - | Some Phonological and Morphological Features of the Christian Neo-Aramaic Dialect of 'Ankawa BORGHERO, Roberta | abstract details |
25 - 40 - | The Contribution of Early Christian Vernacular Poetry from Northern Iraq to Neo-Aramaic Dialectology Preliminary Remarks on the Verbal System MENGOZZI, Alessandro | abstract details |
41 - 56 - | Neo-Aramaic Proverbs of the Plain of Nineveh (Northern Iraq) A 'Communal Wisdom of a Christian Community' TALIA, Shawqi | abstract details |
57 - 71 - | What Can the Songs of the Assyrian Mountaineers Tell Us about Their Composers? LAMASSU, Nineb | abstract details |
73 - 86 - | The Copula in Suppletion with the Verb h-v-j in Standarized Urmi KAPELIUK, Olga | abstract details |
87 - 102 - | Between Late Aramaic and Neo-Aramaic Reflections on Some Phenomena in Aramaic of Late Antiquity MORIGGI, Marco | abstract details |
103 - 115 - | Perspectives for a Project Investigating Syntax WALTISBERG, Michael | abstract details |
117 - 147 - | Body-Part Idioms in Syriac A Pragmatic Study MATTI, Ala' A. | abstract details |
149 - 155 - | The Literature of the So-called 'Lutheran Nestorians' First Observations TAMCKE, Martin | abstract details |
157 - 174 - | Sheikh Nejm's Mandaic Glossary (DC 4) An Unrecognised Source of Neo-Mandaic MUTZAFY, Hezy, MORGENSTERN, Matthew | abstract details |
Astrology in the Ancient Near East |
175 - 192 - | Dating the Dendara Zodiac Egypt's Famous Greco-Roman 'Zodiac' PARK, Rosalind, ECCLES, Bernard | abstract details |
193 - 201 - | More on the Transmission of the Babylonian Zodiac to Greece The Case of the Nativity Omens and their Modern Legacy CAMPION, Nicholas | abstract details |
203 - 218 - | The Hebrew Book of Creation and the Syriac Treatise of Shem BAR-ILAN, Meir | abstract details |
219 - 274 - | The Iconography of Ancient Astronomy on Five Ancient Near Eastern Artefacts HALEEM, Asia | abstract details |
275 - 291 - | Le destin et la liberté dans les Hymni contra Haereses 11-12 d'Éphrem VERGANI, Emidio | abstract details |
293 - 309 - | Astrology in Philo of Alexandria's De vita contemplativa TAYLOR, Joan E., HAY, David | abstract details |
311 - 331 - | The Zodiac Sign Names in the Dead Sea Scrolls (4Q318) Features and Questions JACOBUS, Helen R. | abstract details |
333 - 342 - | The Zodiac of the Bel Temple in Palmyra GAWLIKOWSKI, Michał | abstract details |
343 - 377 - | The Zodiac Reliefs on the Frieze of the Nabataean-Roman Temple at Dharih (Jordan) LINANT DE BELLEFONDS, Pascale, VILLENEUVE, François | abstract details |
379 - 420 - | The Context of the Khirbet et-Tannur Zodiac, Jordan MCKENZIE, Judith S., REYES, Andres T., GREENE, Joseph A. | abstract details |
421 - 441 - | Symbols Related to Astrology in Seljuk Art ERAVŞAR, Osman | abstract details |
443 - 456 - | Astrology and the Zodiac in Sefer Hekhalot Social and Ideological Functions? ARBEL, Daphna | abstract details |
457 - 492 - | Kaldāyūthā The Spar-Sammāné and Late Antique Syriac Astrology AL-JELOO, Nicholas | abstract details |
493 - 499 - | Golden Years The Iranian Roots of Orphic Dodecaeteris ALBRILE, Ezio | abstract details |
501 - 539 - | Perpetual Geometric Motifs and the Cycle of the Year in the Churches of the Holy Land HABAS, Lihi | abstract details |