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Document Details :

Title: Romeinen 7,25n in de Nieuwe Bijbelvertaling
Author(s): LAMBRECHT, Jan
Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Volume: 81    Issue: 1   Date: April 2005   
Pages: 197-199
DOI: 10.2143/ETL.81.1.616510

Abstract :
The new inter-confessional Dutch Bible translation (2004) should be praised for a variety of reasons. Its rendering of Rom 7,25b, however, is rather poor: “Met mijn verstand onderwerp ik mij aan de wet van God, maar door mijn natuur onderwerp ik mij aan de wet van de zonde”. The consecutive ἄρα οὖν is not translated; the rendering of δο&#υλεύω by “zich onderwerpen aan” is too weak; and the translation of σάρξ by “natuur” risks suggesting that νοῦς (“verstand”) does not belong to the nature of the wretched “I”.

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