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Document Details :

Title: The Measure: Marc 4,24cd and Q 6,38c; 12,31b
Subtitle: A Note on Its Independence from Q
Author(s): FRIEDRICHSEN, Timothy A.
Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Volume: 81    Issue: 1   Date: April 2005   
Pages: 186-196
DOI: 10.2143/ETL.81.1.616509

Abstract :
This note first provides an overview of the presentation of H. T. Fleddermann’s proposal (Mark and Q, BETL 122, Leuven, 1995, esp. pp. 85-87) that the Measure saying in Mk 4,24cd is Mark’s redaction of Q 6,38c and 12,31b. In the interest of completeness, the note spends some time reviewing Fleddermann’s reconstruction of the Q-texts. After that, the note critiques his methodology as insufficient for establishing Mark’s dependence on Q for his Measure saying (this note follows the author’s similar treatment of two other sayings: Mk 4,21 and Q 11,33, in ETL 79 [2003] 423-430; Mk 4,22 and Q 12,2, in ETL 80 [2004] 439-444). The note shows that Fleddermann’s proposal requires that Mark take both of these Q verses out of their own logical contexts, connect them rather uncomfortably, and pass over other sayings in the Q-sermon (essentially 6,20-49) that would have served even better Mark’s use of the Measure saying to refer to quality of the disciple’s hearing of the word. The note concludes that it seems more likely that the widespread Measure axiom was known to Mark as an independent saying, which he uses here for his own purposes.

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