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Document Details :

Title: Het lijdensverhaal uit het Middelnederlandse Leven van Jesus
Subtitle: Kritische editie van een veertiende-eeuwse passieharmonie uit Rooklooster (hs. Parijs, Bibliothèque Mazarine, 920)
Author(s): DEN HOLLANDER, August , KLOMP, Mirella
Journal: Ons Geestelijk Erf
Volume: 91    Issue: 1-2   Date: 2021   
Pages: 3-42
DOI: 10.2143/OGE.91.1.3289290

Abstract :
In this article excerpts from the Life of Jesus are edited and commented upon. The edition mainly comprises one of the oldest (1325-1350) and most extensive Middle Dutch passion harmonies. This passion harmony is preserved in MS. Paris, Bibliothèque Mazarine, 920, fols. 126v-144v. The Paris manuscript offers a broad selection of religious texts, including texts of Ruusbroec, Hadewijch and Hugo of Saint-Victor. Whereas this Paris convolute dates from the 15th century, the edited excerpts are part of a production unit of this convolute dating from the 14th century. This production unit originally functioned as a separate manuscript and is seen as concrete example of the literary traffic between religiously kindred spirits (‘Godsvrienden’) in Brabant and the Upper Rhine.

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