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Document Details : Title: An Official Act of Cleopatra Subtitle: (with a Subscription in her Own Hand) Author(s): VAN MINNEN, P. Journal: Ancient Society Volume: 30 Date: 2000 Pages: 29-34 DOI: 10.2143/AS.30.0.565556 Abstract : The subject of this article is a Greek papyrus from Berlin recently published in the Festschrift for Jean Bingen. The papyrus was recovered from mummy cartonnage from Abusir el-Melek, which has yielded among other things old office papers from Alexandria (mostly from the Augustan period and published in BGU IV). The text is the most exciting document ever published from the later Ptolemaic period. Unfortunately the editor thought it was a private contract, and her text contains several erroneous readings. I therefore reproduce the text at the end of this article with corrections of my own and a new translation. |