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Document Details :

Title: Tushratta's Murder in Shuppiluliuma's Letter to Akhenaten (EA 43)
Author(s): NA'AMAN, Nadav
Journal: Ancient Near Eastern Studies
Volume: 33    Date: 1995   
Pages: 116-118
DOI: 10.2143/ANES.33.0.525754

Abstract :
According to Petrie, letter EA 43 was discovered in a pit under the building where most of the Amarna tablets were found. The tablet was copied and published by Sayce. Shortly afterwards it was transliterated and its origin discussed by Knudtzon, who in his edition of the Amarna tablets attributed the letter to a north Syrian king. Weber, on the other hand, analysed the historical background of the letter and suggested that it was sent by Shuppiluliuma to Akhenaten and referred to the episode of Tushratta's murder and Shattiwaza's escape to Hatti. He therefore concluded that 'der Brief 43 vom Ḫatti-König selber stammt, der in ihm dem Pharao über die Vorgänge in Mitanni berichtet.'

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