1 - 16 - 
Jeremiah under Jehoiakim According to Josephus (Ant. 10.89-95)
BEGG, Christopher

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17 - 29 - 
The Syllabic Inscriptions of Byblos
Texts B, E, F, I, K
COLLES, Brian E.

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30 - 54 - 
The Hitherto Unpublished Columns of the Genesis Apocryphon
MORGENSTERN, Matthew, QIMRON, Elisha, SIVAN, Daniel

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55 - 73 - 
Notae Qumranicae Philologicae
MURAOKA, Takamitsu

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74 - 95 - 
The Samaritans and Astrology

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96 - 112 - 
Interconnections in Glyptic Art During the Neo-Assyrian Period
TROKAY, Madeleine

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113 - 115 - 
The Tel Dan Inscription and Aramaic/Hebrew Tenses
MURAOKA, Takamitsu

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116 - 118 - 
Tushratta's Murder in Shuppiluliuma's Letter to Akhenaten (EA 43)
NA'AMAN, Nadav

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119 - 121 - 

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