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Document Details : Title: Adverbial clauses: scope, recursion, discourse, and Functional Grammar Author(s): KWEE, T.L. Journal: Leuvense Bijdragen - Leuven Contributions in Linguistics and Philology Volume: 91 Issue: 3-4 Date: 2002 Pages: 319-347 DOI: 10.2143/LB.91.3.505112 Abstract : What traditional grammar calls adverbial clauses are seen in Functional Grammar (FG) as expressions of satellites. FG's multi-layered model of the underlying clause structure assumes that each layer consosts of a kernel structure plus some (possibly no) appropriate operators and satellites. Each layer except the top one is embedded as the subsequent kernel at the next layer up. At each layer, satellites and operators have scope over the corresponding kernel, and over all lower satellites and operators contained in that kernel. This paper discusses adverbial clauses which occur as satellites at the second layer, called circumstantials elsewhere but predication or level 2 satellites in FG. The scope of such adverbial clauses is shown to raise a problem that cannot be solved within the currently accepted FG model and risks remaining a refractory case. Possibilities for solutions are found within and outside FG, and their rejection by Dik is disputed. |