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Document Details : Title: Luther und Late Medieval Albertism Author(s): JANZ, D.R. Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses Volume: 72 Issue: 4 Date: Dec. 1996 Pages: 338-348 DOI: 10.2143/ETL.72.4.504841 Abstract : It has long been agreed that Martin Luther defined his theological program against the background of late medieval theology. Thanks to more than a generation of intensive scholarship, this fifteenth-century theological landscape is no longer terra incognita. We know now that pluralism flourished, with many “schools competing for influence”. Nominalism, mysticism, humanism, Augustinianism, Scotism, Thomism, etc., were all viable options and living components of this intellectual world, and all had some impact on Luther. While much is known today about all these currents, there is one which has remained in relative obscurity: late medieval Albertism. Yet it was part of the intellectual world Luther inherited: he frequently refers to the “Occamistae” or “Thomistae” or “Scotistae”, and often also to “Albertistae”. Who were these “Albertists”, and what was their relationship to Luther? |