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Document Details :

Title: La Disputatio adversus Iudaeos d'Anastase le Sinaïte
Subtitle: Authenticité du texte et identification des fragments
Author(s): DÉROCHE, Vincent
Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Volume: 95    Issue: 3   Date: 2019   
Pages: 427-438
DOI: 10.2143/ETL.95.3.3286795

Abstract :
In his recent monograph on Anastasius of Sinai K.-H. Uthemann concludes that the recently edited Hexaemeron and the collection A of Edifying Tales attributed to Anastasius were not written by Anastasius, and the same also applies for the dialexis against the Jews mentioned in the Hexaemeron. By contrast, an analysis of the most current topics in these writings, as well as in other collections of Edifying Tales and in the Erotapokriseis, proves that these texts are authentic, as they show the same obsession with the oppression of Christians by Muslims and Jews. The dialexis against the Jews referred to in the Hexaemeron should therefore rather be connected with the work by the same title that is found in PG and considered to be authentic by K.-H. Uthemann.

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