371 - 374 - | Introduction ZAGANAS, Dimitrios, VERHEYDEN, Joseph | abstract details download pdf |
375 - 396 - | Fact and Fiction in the Biblical Scholarship of Anastasius (CPG 7770: On the Hexaëmeron) CEULEMANS, Reinhart | abstract details download pdf |
397 - 414 - | The Use of Question-and-Answer Method and Process in Anastasius' Hexaemeron PAPADOGIANNAKIS, Yannis | abstract details download pdf |
415 - 426 - | The Reception of Origen in the Hexaemeron by Anastasius Sinaita Between Criticism and Approval ZAGANAS, Dimitrios | abstract details download pdf |
427 - 438 - | La Disputatio adversus Iudaeos d'Anastase le Sinaïte Authenticité du texte et identification des fragments DÉROCHE, Vincent | abstract details download pdf |
439 - 504 - | Exegetical and Rhetorical Appropriations of Scripture in the Homilies of Anastasius Sinaita TERZOPOULOS, Konstantinos | abstract details download pdf |
505 - 527 - | Anastasius of Sinai and his Participation in the Monothelite Controversy HOVORUN, Cyril | abstract details download pdf |