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Document Details :

Title: Fact and Fiction in the Biblical Scholarship of Anastasius (CPG 7770: On the Hexaëmeron)
Author(s): CEULEMANS, Reinhart
Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Volume: 95    Issue: 3   Date: 2019   
Pages: 375-396
DOI: 10.2143/ETL.95.3.3286792

Abstract :
This article follows suggestions made by Clement Kuehn for research on the commentary on the Hexaëmeron attributed to Anastasius of Sinai. The first part offers a discussion of all passages in which the author referred to the Hexapla, Aquila, Symmachus or Theodotion. The second part comments on the citations of the Septuagint text found throughout the commentary. These investigations lead to the conclusion that the Greek commentator in question did not have any exceptional Hexaplaric source at this disposal and that no particular Septuagint manuscript or text type can be identified in the biblical citations.

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