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Document Details : Title: Des Ezechielbuch als Metatext I Subtitle: Ezechiel 1-3 als Leseanleitung für ein literarisch ausformuliertes Prophetenbuch Author(s): HECKL, Raik Journal: Biblica Volume: 98 Issue: 4 Date: 2017 Pages: 520-540 DOI: 10.2143/BIB.98.4.3265684 Abstract : In Ezekiel 1-3, the prophet’s vocation is presented on two different levels. First, the prophet is responsible for the direct transmission of the speeches of YHWH. Second, the prophet is legitimized by the Scroll Vision, and so becomes the author of the first-person narrative of the book. This dual vocation can be connected to the diachronic nature of the Book of Ezekiel. The existence of an older book containing mainly the prophet’s speeches seems to be presupposed among the addressees. In contrast, the present book may be viewed as a later enhancement, which was made plausible by the wider ministry of the prophet. The sections that presuppose an open appearance of the prophet or the immediate communication of YHWH’s speeches can be identified as elements belonging to the older book. |