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Document Details : Title: The Opening of the Seals (Rev 6,1-8,6) Author(s): LAMBRECHT, Jan Journal: Biblica Volume: 79 Issue: 2 Date: 1998 Pages: 198-220 DOI: 10.2143/BIB.79.2.3200615 Abstract : In dialogue with the remarkable publication I settenari nella struttura dell’Apocalisse. Analisi, storia della ricerca, interpretazione by Giancarlo Biguzzi (1996), the 'story-line' of Rev 6,1-8,6 is investigated here. The seals in chapter six are more than verbal prophecy; as the actual beginning of punishment they announce still greater catastrophes. The two scenes of chapter seven do not belong to the sixth seal; they interrupt the narrative and are 'intercalations'. The data described in 8,2-6 most probably occur during the silence mentioned in 8,1b. It would seem that the seventh seal (8,1) 'encompasses' the subsequent seven trumpets. |