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Document Details : Title: Philippus der Evangelist und die Anfänge der Heidenmission Author(s): KOLLMANN, Bernd Journal: Biblica Volume: 81 Issue: 4 Date: 2000 Pages: 551-565 DOI: 10.2143/BIB.81.4.3200460 Abstract : The programmatic transition to foreign missionary activity took place in Syrian Antioch under the auspices of some of the Hellenists who had been exiled there after Stephen’s martyrdom. Independently of this, Philip ‘the Evangelist’, too, due to his missionary activity in Samaria and in the Palestinian coastal areas, had deliberately crossed the confines of God’s people, Israel. He systematically entered those regions of Palestine which had been significantly hellenized and where the non-Jewish element of the population was predominant. In so far as the sources allow one to make a judgment, our conclusion is that in Philip we have the first significant foreign missionary. |