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Document Details :

Title: Die Verbformen mit dem Suffix 'מו-' als Kernelemente der Textstruktur von Ex 15,1b-18
Author(s): WARNKE, Annekatrin
Journal: Biblica
Volume: 83    Issue: 3   Date: 2002   
Pages: 399-408
DOI: 10.2143/BIB.83.3.3200316

Abstract :
The crucial structural element in Ex 15,1b-18 is the 3rd person masculine plural suffix -מו which is found in nine verbal forms that are distributed over the entire text. Other structural elements, which are formal and have to do with the content, harmoniously fit into a macrostructure that has been shown to be concentrically parallel. In view of the convincing composition which extends beyond the Song, the original literary unity of the Song of the Sea of Reeds can hardly be doubted any more.

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