Commentationes |
305 - 328 - | The Old Testament Quotation in Matthew 27,9-10 Textual Form and Context MENKEN, Maarten J.J. | abstract details download pdf |
329 - 357 - | Dwelling on Visions On the Nature of the so-called ‘Colossians Heresy’ ROYALTY, Robert M. | abstract details download pdf |
358 - 374 - | The Doctrine of the Golden Mean in Qoh 7,15-18 A Universal Human Pursuit CHOI, John H. | abstract details download pdf |
375 - 391 - | Economic Plunder as a Leitmotif in LXX-Isaiah TROXEL, Ronald L. | abstract details download pdf |
Animadversiones |
392 - 398 - | La définition de l’«autre évangile» en Ga 1,6-7 VANHOYE, Albert | abstract details download pdf |
399 - 408 - | Die Verbformen mit dem Suffix 'מו-' als Kernelemente der Textstruktur von Ex 15,1b-18 WARNKE, Annekatrin | abstract details download pdf |
Recensiones |
409 - 439 - | Recensiones | abstract details download pdf |
Nuntii personarum et rerum |
440 - 440 - | Pontificium Institutum Biblicum Annus academicus 2001-2002. II semestre | abstract details download pdf |
441 - 448 - | Libri ad Directionem missi | abstract details download pdf |