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Document Details :

Title: The Old Testament Quotation in Matthew 27,9-10
Subtitle: Textual Form and Context
Author(s): MENKEN, Maarten J.J.
Journal: Biblica
Volume: 83    Issue: 3   Date: 2002   
Pages: 305-328
DOI: 10.2143/BIB.83.3.3200311

Abstract :
The source of the fulfilment quotation in Matt 27,9-10 must be Zech 11,13, but the biblical text is distorted to a degree that is unparalleled in the other fulfilment quotations, and Matthew ascribes the quotation to Jeremiah. Another difficulty is that the quotation seems to have influenced the context to a much larger extent than in the case of the other fulfilment quotations. A careful analysis of the text shows that the peculiar textual form can be explained in a relatively simple way. The influence of the quotation on Matt 27,3-8 is limited, and is best ascribed to Matthew’s redaction. After all, this fulfilment quotation appears to be less exceptional than it is sometimes supposed to be.

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