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Document Details : Title: Zur Deutung von Jes 45,11b Author(s): BECKER, Joachim Journal: Biblica Volume: 88 Issue: 1 Date: 2007 Pages: 100-109 DOI: 10.2143/BIB.88.1.3188987 Abstract : In Isa 45,11b no conjecture may be prefered to masoretic še'ālûnî and hā'otiyyôt, and the masoretic division of the sentence should be maintained. Special attention is payed to a comparison of Isa 45,9-13 with 41,21-29 and to the meaning of ṣiwwâ 'al and po'al yāday. The sentence may be translated as follows: 'For the future things ask me, the leading of my sons, which are the work of my hands, commit to me'. The sentence seems to be addressed to the people of Israel. |