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Document Details : Title: A Non-Classical Refinement of the Interpolation Property for Classical Propositional Logic Author(s): MILNE, Peter Journal: Logique et Analyse Volume: 235 Date: 2016 Pages: 273-281 DOI: 10.2143/LEA.235.0.3170109 Abstract : We refine the interpolation property of the {˄, ˅, ¬}-fragment of classical propositional logic, showing that if ⊭ ¬φ, ⊭ ψ and φ ⊨ ψ then there is an interpolant χ, constructed using at most atomic formulas occurring in both φ and ψ and negation, conjunction and disjunction, such that (i) φ entails χ in Kleene’s strong three-valued logic and (ii) χ entails ψ in Priest’s Logic of Paradox. |