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Document Details : Title: 'Hamlet without the Prince' Subtitle: Religie zonder geloof in een naturalistisch perspectief Author(s): VANHEESWIJCK, Guido Journal: Tijdschrift voor Filosofie Volume: 74 Issue: 2 Date: 2012 Pages: 287-297 DOI: 10.2143/TVF.74.2.2162471 Abstract : Th is reply to Arnold Burms’ article elaborates two topics. First, it raises the claim that rejecting an epistemologically neutral stance does not necessarily lead to a religion without belief, i.e. it does not of necessity entail repudiating the aspect of belief within the domain of religion. Second, its aim is to answer the question of what exactly must be understood by the term ‘transcendence’ in religious perspective by distinguishing different meanings of transcendence: chaotic transcendence, metaphysical transcendence, poetic transcendence and personal (agapeic) transcendence. |